McCain favors teaching creationism

It's Cindy McCain, though:

Couric: How do you feel about creationism? Do you think it should be taught in schools?

McCain: I think both sides should be taught in schools. I think the more children have a frame of reference and an opportunity to read and know and make better decisions and judgments when they are adults. So, I think you know I don't have any problem with education of any kind.

Two things to note. First, this is exactly Sarah Palin's position, and also John McCain's, as well as George Bush's. Second, the issue in the question isn't "education of any kind," it's miseducation. And it's unacceptable that the McCains and Palin have all come out in favor of that.

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She didn't push for it as governor.

Palin is being smeared as governor she didn't push for creationism. This lady has been destroyed by lies. Enough already. Actually look at her record as governor.

Ken, quote the part of Joshua's post that is a smear or a lie.

Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion of Wednesday night's televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said, "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

In an interview Thursday, Palin said she meant only to say that discussion of alternative views should be allowed to arise in Alaska classrooms:

"I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum."

You can argue that this by itself does not necessarily mean that she's a creationist, but at the very least it shows complete ignorance of the science being discussed. And she also uses the typical creationist/ID rhetoric: "teach both sides", "allow students to question the theory and make up their own minds".

And although the article mentions that she won't push for creationism to be part of the curriculum, it also states that as governor she appoints members of the Alaska school board, who in turn set the minimum requirements.

Call it disinformation. Kids end up stupider than when they started.

Incidentally, whenever someone advocates 'both sides', there is a duty to demand to know which version of the wrong side should be taught -- Islamic, Judaic, Hindu, Shinto ....

If they say Christian, then demand to know if the Roman Catholic version or the Mormon version should be taught.

By Bill the Cat (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink

Palin now says that "she meant only to say that discussion of alternative views should be allowed to arise in Alaska classrooms". She's backtracking because she knows how controversial her views are. Initially she said, "teach both". Teaching is different from just allowing the duscussion to arise.

JoAnn: If a teacher is presenting a topic, that is teaching. How the topic comes up is irrelevant. In science class, the right response to a question about creationism is to refer the discussion to a social studies teacher, a parent, or a clergymember.

And she also uses the typical creationist/ID rhetoric: "teach both sides", "allow students to question the theory and make up their own minds".

Yeah, just like sex education! They have a great "teach both sides" strategy there, except they call it "abstinence-only" for some strange reason.