White House press secretary Dana Perino explains why the Bush/McCain team have yet to catch Osama bin Laden:
So there are human limitations to any -- this is not the movies, we don't have superpowers.
But it doesn't take superpowers. It takes intelligence, and an intelligent approach to pursuing the people who attacked us seven years ago. Invading Iraq, holding the military back from Tora Bora when bin Laden was holed up there, these are failures. Colossal failures. Distractions from what should have been the central goal of any President: defending this nation, and capturing those who masterminded the attacks against it.
But then again, they're now claiming that bin Laden had nothing to do with those attacks. When a reporter stated that "Osama bin Laden was the mastermind of 9/11," Perino cut him off, insisting:
No, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11, and he's sitting in jail right now.
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To the Batcave!
And here I thought McCain knew exactly how to catch bin Laden - he was just waiting until he got into the White House to do it! Didn't he say as much not long ago (I seem to recall Ed Brayton blogging on it). Or maybe McCain was talking about Greg Laden?
Back in the day--1968--presidential candidate (later to be presidential disaster) Richard M. Nixon said he had a "secret plan" to get us out of Vietnam.
The following is accurate, but not verbatim:
"Secret plan?" he was asked.
"Yes," said he.
"Can you give us SOME idea of what the plan involves that is so different from all the plans that have been tried".
"Oh, I couldn't do that; then it wouldn't be secret anymore".
It came as no surprise that he did not have a secret plan...unless, I guess, the carpet bombing of NORTH Vietnam AND the invasion of Cambodia constituted the secret.
As for bin Laden, I'd like to hire his public relations consultant. You'd have to be a mastermind to successfully convince the world that bin Laden was behind the attacks when he wasn't.
Poor Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. All that brilliant planning. All that intricate strategy, including moving men and money across the planet. All he got from the whole thing was his picture released to the entire world. And what a picture! Hirsute (to a fault), a bit groggy looking, and in need of a comb and a tailor.
"Mission Accomplished"?
I think not.