Science Education Policy Bleg

I'm in the process of reworking my blog reading, and one area I'd like to expand is science education policy beyond the creation/evolution fight. I'm finding fairly slim pickings, alas. If you've got a favorite source of information (blog or non-blog) on science education policy, please leave your suggestion in the comments. It doesn't have to be a blog. Journals, newsletters, etc. are all welcome. I'm trying to cast a wide net.

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I just started this blog not yet ready to go public at you are welcome to it but
it will not be of much use to you now. I am working hard at it though.
Being from Europe, I have little understanding of fundamentalism: it hardly exists there.
Love your blog, I am feeding on it!

You're still in the San Francisco area, right?

I would check out the UC Berkeley Education-Psychology Library ( I was wandering in there for a bit a couple of weeks ago, when I was early for a class, and they had several journals devoted to research in science education that looked interesting. I think it's open to the public -- they didn't ask me for my ID.

math: 2 good books

Nunes T, Schliemann A, and Carraher D (1993) Street Mathematics and School Mathematics, Cambridge UP
Lave J (1988) Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics and Culture in Everyday Life, Cambridge UP