Disco. Inst. honcho Bruce Chapman is upset at The Weakness at the Center of the Conservative Coalition. Shorter Bruce Chapman:
No one wants to have anything to do with social conservatives. Waaaaah! We'll take our ball and go home.
Yesterday, Chapman was going ape about … well, it's hard to be sure. Shorter Bruce Chapman:
Apes aren't people because apes sometimes injure people. After all, no one would keep a tiger as a pet, claim it was like a child, and be shocked when it attacked him. Oh, um, even though he did, it is surely be the fault of Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins.
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Shorter Bruce Chapman:
Have you ever noticed that critics of the "war on science" don't criticize animal rights terrorists? Also, why don't proponents of a "war on poverty" cheer Jack the Ripper's contributions to the effort?
For what it's worth, actual Bruce Chapman:
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Chapman: "See how far conservatism gets without them."
Yeah, because Palin and Co. have been such a boon to the GOP lately. I can't wait to see how the Bushie 28% reacts when they get clobbered in 2010. Perusal of conservative blogs reveals a shrill, almost xenophobic mindset.