Teach the strengths and weaknesses … of the NAS?

Don McLeroy, erstwhile head of the Texas Board of Education, doesn't like the National Academy of Sciences. At least not on even-numbered days. During the science standards fight, he praised the NAS definition of science. Then again, he endorsed a crazy, self-published pamphlet declaring that the NAS is "sowing atheism." And of course, he dismissed the good advice of the NAS and other science groups when they asked him not to undermine evolution education, telling the Board "Someone has to stand up to these experts."

And now McLeroy has decided to attack the NAS in social studies standards. In a memo to the committees drafting new standards for Texas social studies classes (and the textbooks used in those classes), McLeroy requested that students be taught "pros and cons" of the "National Academy of Science in scientific research."

What those cons might be, no one is quite sure.

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Well, pro and con relative to what? The Vatican Observatory?

Without choice, you cannot have "good" or "evil".

The National Academy of Science is out to get you. They will indoctrinate your kids with evolution, put fluoride into your water and force you to take one vaccination after another, as a scientific experiment.

If you are concerned about the National Academy of Sciences so much that you can no longer function in daily living, it is important to protect yourself. Hide in a closet or under the house until there is another Republican President. Note: this may take a long time.

Ahhhhh, Texas.