Public option gets 60 votes!

Or it would if the Senate actually represented the American public. According to a Thomson Reuters poll:

Sixty percent of survey respondents said they believe a public option should be included in final healthcare reform legislation.

Despite overwhelming support, wankers like erstwhile healthcare reform advocate Joe Lieberman, Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, and Susan Collins are unwilling to back a bill containing this necessary reform. If you live in Connecticut, Louisiana, Nebraska, Arkansas, or Maine, it's time to make some phone calls.

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The fact remains that big insurance by refusing care to patients and reimbursement to doctors over typos has ticked everyone off. They have a monopoly over the whole process and a well financed lobby team (including Lieberman's wife) and representatives on both sides of the isle.

A friend of mine recently laid off just he and his spouse is paying $2,500.00 dollars a month for his COBRA. Health insurance costs more than his mortgage. Anyone taking up the insurance industry's cause doesn't know what they are talking about.

If you think the insurance companies are going to voluntarily lower their cost while having a monopoly over the process â you are being disingenuous â¦Over 60% of all US bankruptcies are attributable to medical problems. Most victims are middle class, well educated and have health insurance - (The American Journal of Medicine)

The insurance companies and their representatives in Congress would love to perpetuate a business model that is crippling our overall economy â a bunch of great Americans arenât they?

90% of the wealth concentrated in 1% of the population is no way to run a country but a heck of a way to establish a royalty ruling class. Yacht sales can not sustain 350 million people. I'm for the public option, competition and a level playing field or break up the big insurers like we did AT&T.

A slavish focus on profit margin might be good for the individual or a business, but it is one helluva lousy way to "govern" a Country. The GOP being a wholly owned subsidiary of Corporate America has a hard time with that concept.

Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home

"If you think the insurance companies are going to voluntarily lower their cost while having a monopoly over the process â you are being disingenuous â¦Over 60% of all US bankruptcies are attributable to medical problems. Most victims are middle class, well educated and have health insurance "


You are half right. The insurance comapnies can be a pain in the butt, but hospitals should not charge $6.00 for one Tylenol tablet and make hundreds of dollars profit from such things. Hospitals are not supposed to make profit. They charge what they want and the insurance has to pay for it. Then the insurance raises their rates to pay for the ridiculous hospital rates and their new Rolls Royce company car.

I hate insurance companies as much as anyone here, but I still refuse to go socilaist. Socialism is an evil disease that should be slaughtered and abolished by any means that it may take. Socialism is the worst thing that humanity has ever experienced.

I hope this socialist population control plan being forced on us fails miserably. If it passes, i hope thise responsible loose their jobs forever.

By Access MD (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink