Shorter Telic Thoughts

ID-blog Telic Thoughts, between efforts at debunking 9/11 and denying the last few decades worth of climate research, has time for A Christmas Story. Shorter version:

For Jack Bauer so loved the world that he sent his only daughter out into it, then died in her arms after she was brutally raped by drug-selling white slavers. And that's why Christians celebrate Christmas.

Personally, I think it's nice to celebrate the notion of peace on earth and good will toward all more than vigilante fantasies, but whatever nogs your egg, I guess.

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I thought Telic Thoughts was supposed to be one of yer smarter than average ID blogs. The latest post by Bradford ("Meyer, Nagel and a Trivial Critique" ) has "kook" written all over it. Fundies will be fundies I guess.

By 386sx ¾ (not verified) on 26 Dec 2009 #permalink

It's too bad that you people didn't keep a more careful watch on the conduct of your climate research. Just one of the consequences is that it has made it possible for every enemy of science to take advantage of you.

Tom "It's too bad that you people didn't keep a more careful watch on the conduct of your climate research."
Who you callin' "you people"?

"Just one of the consequences is that it has made it possible for every enemy of science to take advantage of you."
Yes, because if scientists all minded their Ps & Qs and wore ties and called their mothers every night...there would be no denialists.
The thing about the denialists is that they already aren't dealing with facts. If they had no "climategate" emails to quotemine (or mercury in vaccines or any number of other issues) they would still be merrily denial'ing. This is because they aren't fighting scientists; they're fighting reality.

Modusoperandi, for someone so keen in showing that others are far out, I fail to see any attempt at reasoning in your comment.

By Josualdo Silva (not verified) on 27 Dec 2009 #permalink

Modusoperandi, for someone so keen in showing that others are far out, I fail to see any attempt at reasoning in your comment.

For someone who's taking another commenter to task for poor communication, you sure aren't leading by example. (I hope I don't make a similar mistake...)

Josualdo Silva; I thought I was quite clear (have you tried being me?). Denialists don't need "Climategate". Even if 100% of the peer-to-peer emails couldn't be quotemined or used out of context to "prove" the "fraud" of AGW, would that in any way have effected their attidude? No. Why? Because their case against global warming isn't based on facts.
The bits from the emails don't act facts to buttress their case. It's just more FUD for them. They're Ethyl Corp or RJ Reynolds, in that they aren't arguing in good faith. Most aren't even aren't even trying to argue in good faith, and most of the ones that do are arguing using the talking points of the FUD'ers.

okay. scary. phucking. people.

Teabag Taliban.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 30 Dec 2009 #permalink