
There are few things that Richard Dawkins and Matt Nisbet agree about regarding science communication in the internets, but apparently there's a general consensus that you're a douchebag.

I haven't got strong feelings on the forum shutdown. Dawkins is right that people were dicks to him and his staff, but the self-righteousness of this opening to his announcement doesn't engender sympathy:

Imagine that you, as a greatly liked and respected person, found yourself overnight subjected to personal vilification on an unprecedented scale, from anonymous commenters on a website.

Yes, let us all try to imagine someone being mean on the web â¦

Gee that was easy. Not even that hard to imagine someone talking trash about "a greatly liked and respected person." Especially, I must say, if that person has a history of vilifying his own opponents.

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Actually, people were not rude _to_ him or his staff, they were rude about one member of his staff, after that memember of staff had sorely tried their patience. I'd suggest starting


and then moving to where the out of context comments in the 'Outrage' post were quote mined from.
It's a little late in the day to be working from information that is over 24 hours old...

Beyond a certain point, it's an honor, really. One guy with a denialism blog (mainly climate, but kind of everything-denial) said I was a serial killer, the Unabomber, and one of the 7 reasons global warming was false (along with al gore and a couple of bloggers).

This reminds me of E.O. Wilson's moment in the 70s I think - anyway, he had a speech disrupted by the PLP, which is a fringe group dedicated to disrupting as many other groups as they can manage. A lot of sociobiologists who were also conservatives tried to blame the liberal Marxist ideology of Gould and Lewontin for that disruption. Wilson himself didn't seem to push that, but he said the disrupters were representative of the campus left, which is like saying Scientologists represent the campus religious community.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 25 Feb 2010 #permalink

A resounding silence from the main commentator.

gplaine: I take your point about working from outdated information, I suppose, but my point is hardly to adjudicate the right and wrong of the drama. The posting doesn't make it clear that Josh Timonen, not Richard Dawkins, was the target of the mean words on the internet. Indeed, that's not the most natural reading of the quoted passage.

I appreciate your and James' additional linkage here, and urge people who want to learn the finer points about the conflict to check those sources.

Yes, let us all try to imagine someone being mean on the web â¦

Gee that was easy. Not even that hard to imagine someone talking trash about "a greatly liked and respected person." Especially, I must say, if that person has a history of vilifying his own opponents.
