Tom Tomorrow, get out of my mind!

It's like he's been reading my mind. He's even nearly re-derived Intelligent Falling. But upside down!

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Nine dayes they fell; confounded Chaos roard,And felt tenfold confusion in thir fallThrough his wilde Anarchie, so huge a routIncumberd him with ruin: Hell at lastYawning receavd them whole, and on them clos'd,Hell thir fit habitation fraught with fireUnquenchable, the house of woe and paine.-…
Two language-related items crossed in the Information Supercollider today: the first was Tom's commentary on an opinion piece by Robert Crease and Alfred Goldhaber, the second Steven Pinker on the badness of academic writing. All of them are worth reading, and I only have small dissents to offer…
In comments to [my recent post about Gilder's article][gilder], a couple of readers asked me to take a look at a [DI promoted][dipromote] paper by Albert Voie, called [Biological function and the genetic code are interdependent][voie]. This paper was actually peer reviewed and accepted by a journal…
I'm a bit disappointed with Al Franken. Ben Stein has donated to the Franken campaign, and he has accepted the money — come on, Al, let's see some principles. Stein is a dishonest fraud who is peddling Intelligent Design creationism in his upcoming movie, Expelled; he's a former Nixon speechwriter…