Mr. Chapman and the Ratzinger of NIMH

i-f1ed343cbe0d7fe21e80b35943436236-BurnsChapman.jpgShorter Bruce Chapman, Disco. 'tute bossman: Church Suffers for Past Appeasement:

For 40 years, the Catholic Church has covered up rape by priests, with responsibility for the coverup reaching Cardinal Ratzinger â now Pope Benedict XVI. If only the licentious '60s and its culture of psychotherapy hadn't stopped people from taking responsibility, and prevented the few bad apples from spoiling the reputation of all the priests who never raped any children. But the real victim is Pope Ratzinger, who is being wrongly being held responsible for the actions he and the godly men he supervises undertook in order to preserve his power and become Pope.

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So, Ratzinger was at Woodstock enjoying some of that free-love? That's why he chose to protect his power base (and his superiors at the time) instead of turning the child-rapers over to the police?

"wrongly being held responsible for the actions he ... undertook " - [head explodes]. He's the Pope. He was back then also in charge (of Europe?). By definition he has the responsibility. As does anybody for actions they undertake.

Furthermore, the use of language also includes the child molesters under the umbrella term "the godly men he supervises"


By Gray Gaffer (not verified) on 30 Mar 2010 #permalink

I'll send them money if they'll change the name to the Unpleasant Discovery Institute, though it really should be the Lemony-Snicketesque "A Series of Increasingly Unpleasant Discoveries Institute."

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink