Well that seems wildly implausible

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According to this meaningless thing, the handful of people following me on Twitter (@JoshRosenau) is smarter than the horde of people following PZ Mahers on Twitter (@pzmyers). Clearly more stupid people need to start following me, or more of the smart people following me need to start saying stupid things about me.

I think the site's algorithm needs fixing:

i-d80e814379a7b30e23a6bb5488a9db73-Screen shot 2010-04-14 at 1.32.53 AM.jpg


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Good news I was following PZ but not you. Now I am following you both. That should bring down your score!

By Paul Benjamin (not verified) on 13 Apr 2010 #permalink

"PZ Mahers"? Is that misspelling intentional?

By J. J. Ramsey (not verified) on 13 Apr 2010 #permalink

"According to this meaningless thing, the handful of people following me on Twitter (@JoshRosenau) is smarter than the horde of people following PZ Mahers on Twitter (@pzmyers)"

You're making a classic mistake here by confusing the metrics. That 'stupid thing' measures and compares the stupidity of both your followers, not the smartness. You can't then use that measure of stupidity to compare smartness. As PZ has such a larger following it would stand to reason there is much more stupidity among his followers. That is not to say a tool measuring the smartness of both your followers would necessarily not find more smartness among his followers.

Or something like that.

Twitter was built for stupidity, what did you expect? Personally I'm waiting for the forum that limits us all to 10 letter submissions so we can all grunt at each other.


looks like normal teen texting to me, go ahead with that 10 letter limit, your audience is guaranteed

J. J. Ramsey: Misspeeling PZ's name is some sort of interweb tradition.