Not Helpful

i-28351f7afb4a2fce99c181cb22871744-dragonsordinos.jpgVia This Is Not Helpful, a review of creationist movie Dragons or Dinosaurs: Creation or Evolution. The reviewer is concerned that teachers presenting the view that dragons are really dinosaurs might get fired from public schools, "loosing 4-8 years of collage."

My greatest fear is that this blog cataloging unhelpful Netflix reviews will turn out to be a work of sockpuppetry and be withdrawn from the intertubes in disgrace.

Whether those reviews would still be unhelpful if that transpired is left as an exercise for the reader.

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Now evolutionists have just gone too far. After forcing their religion of Darwinism into the schools, harmless collages made over 4-8 years are going to be destroyed?

Isn't artwork supposed to be protected by the First Amendment, or something?

Glen Davidson

I read the review. Judging by the literacy(!) level displayed, I do not think the scientific view point is under threat.

Could some one tell us what an "ice burge" is?