One of these thingsâ¦

Shorter Casey Luskin, Disco. 'Tute Complaints Department: Want a Good Grade in Allison Campbell's College Biology Course? Don't Endorse Intelligent Design:

A college professor in New Zealand grades students down for using debunked creationist claims in college essays. Therefore, Tennessee needs a law allowing high school science teachers to teach debunked creationist claims.

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On Tuesday, Governor Bill Haslam of Tennessee allowed HB 368 to become law; it is the second of this new generation of creationist laws, along with a similar bill in Louisiana. Haslam refused to sign the bill, stating that it brought confusion, not clarity. He also noted that the bill had…
If you wonder why I haven't been blogging lately, it's because I've been trying to keep science safe in the Volunteer State; for instance, here's a great piece Huffington Post science editor Cara Santa Maria put together, including an interview with yours truly. If you watch the NCSE front page (…
Todd Wood is a professor at Bryan College, in Dayton, TN. Dayton, you'll recall, was the home of the Scopes trial, and Bryan College was named after Scopes's prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan, and was founded in part to carry on Bryan's anti-evolution crusade. Wood himself is a prominent young…

Casey is almosty Beckian in his inanity. He is such a pathtic little man, and I firmly believe that he gets paid based on the number of lies he spouts, not the quality of lies.