Since there is a nerd contest going on at ScienceBlogs I might as well reveal my score:
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.
Hey, I just might be the least nerdy of all the ScienceBloggers! Wow! Kinda makes a doc feel good about himself, don't it? I might even update my press photo to reflect my new found status as a normal guy...
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thanks. im 59 lightly.
Wow! You beat me. Until now I was the least nerdy SciBling with 56!
I, uh, scored a 70 so I am a mid-level nerd....
I knew. Deep down inside, I knew.
99%, but I think I would have done better still if they had asked a question on 'Is your computer case made of transparent plastic' and 'Does it have more than 5 led-lit cooling fans'.
Hmmmm....15 for me. Not beautiful, not intelligent, not rich, not even nerdy. Gee I'm not sure why I should go on living.
How can you have such a pathetically low score and call yourself a science blogger? FOR SHAME! :)
I scored a 68, higher than I thought I would, making me a low-ranking nerd. I would have estimated that the score would have been 50-55%. Too bad they don't show what the correct (nerdiest) answers are.
I don't dare post my score over at Respectful Insolence; I'd be banned from ever posting there again.
I scored a 36 and I'm a computer consultant.
65. I think it's an underestimate, personally.
C.O., mine's 76.
I scored --> High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!