Things You Don't Want to Hear, Part IV

Things You Don't Want to Hear During an Ambulance Ride to the Hospital

1. "Sir, would you like some music?"

2. "Wait! I think we forgot the defibrillator!"

3. "Relax, willya...this is a shortcut."

4. "Now, you're not going to say anything about this, are you?"

5. "Isn't that your wife over there on the corner?"

6. "Do you mind if I lie down next to you?"

7. "You saw that bicyclist back there, didn't you?"

8. "Man, did we tie one on last night!"

9. "Say, do you happen to have change for a twenty?"

10. "Pienso que él va a morir."

11. "Hey, slow down - I think this girl needs a lift."

12. "Do you mind putting this on before we get there?"


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