Quote of the day from eastern Kentucky's WYMT-TV about US Chamber of Commerce front group

Thanks to Frank Gallagher blogging at FireDogLake for providing us the quote of the day courtesy of WYMT-TV in eastern Kentucky. In "US Chamber of Commerce goes astroturfing to sink miner safety bill," he writes about the front-group sponsored by the Chamber and other business groups to oppose legislation to improve federal worker safety laws. (I blogged yesterday about the goup.) Gallagher writes:

WYMT-TV, out of Kentucky...covered the proceedings and featured Mr. Snare in their story, identifying him as not as a representative of the Coalition For Workplace Safety, but instead as a spokesman for the Coalition Against Workplace Safety.

...Mr. Snare may well have been disappointed with the attribution, but the fact is, WYMT nailed it. Mr. Snare's organization most definitely stands against increased workplace safety, not for it, no matter what they call themselves.

Thanks Frank, I needed a good laugh out loud today.


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And this comes as a surprise to anyone????

The Chamber of Commerce is behind the movement of business NOT to hire new employees inspite of their growing bank accounts.

It is a deliberate effort to keep the Obama administration from succeeding and the age old plan to screw over the workers!!! Keep workers worried about losing their jobs and don't hire new workers. Keeps them humble and at bay, you know.

At that hearing, Mr. Snare invited the members of the Committee and public to go to their website and we would find a list of supporting companies. The only thing I found posted on the website was at the bottom of the webpage: "© 2010 National Association of Manufacturers. Permission to reproduce granted with attribution to source." There were no companies listed as promised by Mr. Snare. No way to find out who this group was comprised of or membership.