Islam and the West

A long and hard look at the current religious and political climate in Europe. I am glad to see the author end the essay with a hopeful note. I was looking for a better understanding of these issues after listening to a muslim colleague describe an incident that happened to him on the train. A woman screamed at him in the train for no apparent reason. It's a cynical world we live in. Have a peaceful weekend.

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Been moseying ('lurking' would be a better word :P) about your blog for ages now (although I must admit, I rather like the old one better). Just thought I'd say, you're doing a brilliant job here (not that it needed my approval)!

Well, thank you! I went over to your blog and found the fascinating Mobile Phone PTT (Push To Talk) explanation. Nifty.

Oh wow! I'm on the verge of throwing handspins here! Thank you! If you happen to have the time, please DO take a look at some of the recent science related posts over there, and tell me what you think of them - that would be VERY kind of you! There must be something wrong, for the science posts are the ones that seem to elicit least interest.

>the science posts are the ones that seem to elicit least interest.

From the little experience I have had with this blog, apparently people read and like reading well written science posts. To actually make a comment on it is the barrier that many don't cross. It's changing though.

Ah. I see what you mean - I myself being one of those silent spectators. But I'll be sure to change that - permanently :). Thanks for the linked post!