God says no, says bishop

God says no to abortion. God says no to condoms. God says no to reason and toleration. Since god has a very fragile ego and does not say all this in public, it falls upon a bishop of the catholic church in Scotland to relay god's delusions to us mortals. A friend of mine in Colorado - a woman, an atheist - used to say that most gods are men and they always talk through their penises. How true. God speaks through his penis, and that's surely why the religious knuckleheads liken abortion to preempting god's message.

Using insensitive and terrorizing language to sway the unsuspecting congregation deserves nothing but derision from everyone. Abortion is a personal medical issue. We cannot let pathologically unqualified people wave a religious book at us and tell us what we should and should not do.

If hindu priests have their cows, catholic bishops have their abortions. There's hope still. There are plenty of catholics who will have none of this bishop's nonsense.

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