Publishing on the web

Warren Ellis, the colorful British writer, writes about Burst Culture.

* Every day, millions of people download single lumps of data that take them three minutes to consume. They're called mp3s. It's a burst culture. Embrace the idea for a while.

* Bursts aren't contentless, nor do they denote the end of Attention Span. If attention span was dead, JK Rowling wouldn't be selling paperbacks thick enough to choke a pig, and Neal Stephenson wouldn't be making a living off books the size of the first bedsit I lived in.
* And just a thought: if you're an sf writer grappling for space in one of the fiction magazines for seven cents a word or whatever the rate is now -- what exactly are you losing by teaming with writers of like mind, going to the web and convincing a friend to work out the monetising bells and whistles for you?

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