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Ellen Lewin is a professor in the anthropology department at the University of Iowa. Like all of us, she is constantly dunned with email announcing this, that, and the other thing at our universities, and sometimes we get email that makes our blood boil. In this case, she got mail from the College…
We see far too little of this in the mainstream media: (Via The Bronze Blog and Memoirs of a Skepchick.) Anderson Cooper is da man!
Leaping Shampoo Fascinating effect. Even more fascinating is how the experimenters are able to produce a cascade effect (towards the end of the video). [via reddit]
The Lobotomist, a PBS documentary about Walter Freeman which I mentioned recently, is now available online as a series of short clips that require either QuickTime or Windows Media Player for viewing. The program charts how the lobotomy came to be regarded as a cure for most types of mental…