Some January Birthdays

Penny writes:

January 23rd is the birthday of Gertrude Elion (1918-1999) -- she won the Nobel in Medicine and held 45 patents.

January 24th is the birthday of a less famous medical researcher who was about the same generation as Elion: Virginia Minnich (1910-1996) was a hematologist. She was only able to attend college during the Depression because her older sister lent her the money--yeah for older sisters!

I would just like to add that January 20th is the birthday of Zuska and I celebrated with Mr. Zuska (but not till the 21st, since I was at the Science Blogging Conference on the 20th - now that's a fun way for a geek to spend a birthday!) My point in telling you this is that you really ought to celebrate yourself as a fabulous scientist when your birthday rolls around. We went out to dinner - Vietnamese food, yum! - and because Mr. Zuska is very sentimental, he got me flowers. I'm enjoying looking at them here on my desk as I type.


Perhaps not a very out of the ordinary celebration, but a celebration nonetheless. What do you like to do to celebrate the anniversary of your entry into the world? After all, the world is lucky to have you! And science is lucky to have you. Don't ever forget that.

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Happy Birthday from the central coast of Oregon, we have the same birthday. I got to spend the day with my daughter which is all I could ask for.

By ERIC JUVE (not verified) on 24 Jan 2007 #permalink

january is a great month to be born. happy birthday!

i'll be spending my birthday (next wednesday the 31st)watching spamalot. of course as the spamalot tickets were hubby's holiday pressie, he better not forget that it's my birthday and at least come up with a card or something sparkley :). of course, as long as i don't miss the show (we can't have spamalot turning into the meaning of life now can we), a few hours in L&D, an easy birth, and a quick discharge would be nice as well.

More for January: Today, January 28, marks the birthday of Irish crystallographer Kathleen Yardley Lonsdale (1903-1971):
A favorite Lonsdale quote: "Never refuse an opportunity to speak in schools." The chemistry building at University College London, and a sciences building at the University of Limerick, are both named for Lonsdale.