Women in IT Survey

From the WEPAN listserv:

What influenced you to pursue a career in information technology? What could we learn from you and other women working in IT that will increase the number of girls and women who are interested in the field?

The K-12 Informal Education Hub of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), led by the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), is conducting a three-phase study to determine what experiences or factors influence females to pursue work in information technology (IT). Study results will help guide efforts to increase the number of women entering the IT field.

This 20 minute survey is intended for women who work in IT. For the purposes of this study, IT is defined as all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and use information in all its forms; the design and use of computers and communications to improve the way we live, learn, work and play. If this describes your work, please consider participating in the study by completing this survey. Your responses are anonymous and the results will only be reported in aggregate form.

Please follow the link to the online survey.

We would appreciate your help in disseminating the survey to as many technical women as possible. Please forward this information to other women you know working in IT.

Survey results will be available online here in November 2007.

If you have technical problems, or have questions about the study, please email Carrie Liston, cliston AT psctlt DOT org. Thank you for your participation.

From the survey website:

Information technology careers are defined as technical and professional careers in the design, development, support and management of computers, hardware, software, multimedia, communications, business automation, and systems integration services.

Please feel free to repost the information about this survey on your blog or link to this post, to help spread the word.

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