New Blogroll, Sort Of

During my time as a blogger, I have discovered that I am lousy at one of a blogger's sacred chores: maintaining the blogroll. The ideal of what my blogroll would be is perhaps best exemplified by Janet's at Adventures in Ethics and Science, or Peggy's at Women in Science. The sad reality, of course, was a mish-mash collection of links that were never updated and certainly didn't constitute anything like a comprehensive look at the vibrant women in science blogging community. I suck at blogrolling.

Recognizing my failure, I have decided, at least for now, to just point readers to other women who are far more capable than me and who have done an excellent job in collecting and presenting lists of blogs for your perusal. I thank Peggy at Women in Science, Alice and Sciencewoman at Sciencewomen, and, I believe, Skookumchick at Scientiae for their amazing blogrolls. My own "blogroll" has now been updated to reflect this with one or two other notations.

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Oh gosh, I have so much blogrolling clean-up to do myself, especially with the recent Scientiae. Gotta schedule that in somewhere...