Clash of Secularism and Religion

Very interesting video (actually snipets from Al-Jazeera).

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That takes guts. She's gonna make a few enemies with that.

The bit that interests me most is where the other guy starts ranting about Dr Sultan being a heretic. I think that was almost a better argument for her point of view than the ones she was making.

Second the fact that that interview took guts, but she gets the nature of the conflict wrong as well. At least partly. Islam does need a reinvigoration of its forgotten critical tradition, but one must also understand that a lot of the tension in the region is the product of the US own machinations. But I think its a step in the right direction to throw reality right in the face of radical imams on TV.

Wow, that is quite possibly the best speech I've seen in a long time. She gives the west too much credit but the realities of the problem with Islam is impressive. The call for Muslims to turn toward a future that does allows them to contribute to the greater world community and not fight it is a good one.

Interestingly, christians in this country often sound a lot like her description of Muslims. Forcing religious views on others is not just a problem for Muslims.