What on Earth Happened to the Daily Transcript

Hi Folks,

Sorry for the delay. It's been a busy week for me. Being swamped with work, the Daily Transcript was ignored. I've thought about it all this week ... life writing a blog and living the life of a postdoc. It's stressful. I enjoy both however the combination does not leave enough time in the day for other ESSENTIAL activities. From this point on I will be limiting myself to 3-4 posts per week. With the number of excellent blogs covering the big ticket science items, my blog will be refocused on NON-media items ... such as the life of a postdoc, comments about the machinations of science etc. In fact although I haven't bloged recently, I need to get some items off my chest. Many of these ideas are instigated from two books Stumbling on Happiness and Happiness, Lessons from a New Science. I've realized that there is a disconnect between what we THINK we want out of life, and what we NEED to be satisfied with our lives.

And perhaps this is why I've been blogging less.


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I've realized that there is a disconnect between what we THINK we want out of life, and what we NEED to be satisfied with our lives.

I agree with this 100%, although I never thought about it this way. But this describes why I feel disappointed sometimes when I achieved a goal. On the other hand sometimes I feel very happy on doing something stupid, non-goal-oriented. Bizarre.