World Cup

Brain drain, brain sucking ... whatever. Here is my take on this:


Right now you are better off in the US than abroad. Even with the terrible visa policies here in the US. (For your info, I'm Canadian.)

Anyway ... all I know is that there are many non-Americans around our department and this week the #1 topic of discussion is the upcoming World Cup. In the Longwood Medical Area (Harvard Medical School, Boston) there will be at least two spots that plan to show almost every game (contact me if you would like to know where the viewing areas are located). In addition, the games will be shown at two local pubs - I have no clue how any of us will get any work done over the next month.

In that spirit here's a little something to help you get into the mood. One of the great ones ...

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He IS a great one. But only if you like cheaters. Was that before or after the hand of god?

By David Biello (not verified) on 08 Jun 2006 #permalink

Soccer (or football) isn't really popular in Canada ? I'm not really into it, but it's a good reason to procrastinate around few beers. Cheers World Cup !

OK Bil,

Two bets:
1) Italy beats Czech Republic (I think we've already agreed on this bet, but just in case)
2) Italy beats US

Winner buys the loser a beer.

(for your sake, I hope the Italian team didn't fix these games)

Wait, I didn't agree on anything of the sort. Italy won't make it through. They will lose to both the US and CR and then draw with Ghana. Pathetic really. I was in Italy two weeks ago brazenly wearing both US and CR kit. Didn't get a rise out of anyone. The best I got was a sad sigh at the state of Futbol Italia. I'll take your beer; however, I feel that if both win you have to get me drunk!

Maradona is a cute adorable man.

Vive Espana!