Anne-Sophie Mutter

I haven't written about any extracurricular activities in a while (I don't have to as Tulula takes care of that, but don't tell her that I sent you to her blog ... and yes every post is both in English and in Espanol.)

Last night we saw Anne-Sophie Mutter at Symphony Hall.

What can I say?

Mutter is such a strong passionate violinist, she imposes herself upon whatever she plays. Just like Claire Waterman-Storer, Anne-Sophie Mutter is a force of nature. At times you get the impression that she wields her bow like a sword, dripping from the blood of the piece she just slayed.

Don't believe me? Here's a video. Plug your labtop into some good speakers, sit back and relax:

(or for something really amazing - but no video, Ravel's Tzigane):

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...she imposes herself upon whatever she plays.

And based on a couple of recent broadcast performances and one recent CD, I'd agree ... but I wouldn't intend it as a compliment.

Technique, tone ... both terrific. But I've had the feeling that I'm hearing more of her and less of the composer than I'd really like ...

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink


I guess you've restated what many of her detractors say. But you have to admit that she gives you some meat to chew on - you either hate or love her style.