
I heard about this great new (parody) company, NEXTgencode. You gotta love their tagline: Your Destiny is no Longer in Question.

From their website:


Want to see some of their "products"? Here's an add:

And here's even more adds!

Some products include:
- Permapuppy ... have a pet that never grows up!
- Special gene purchases (2XE4 to improve mathematical ability, BLSHt for better verbal facility)
- EnlargeEar ... make your ears 20% larger to "bring you back into the conversation".

(It's funny, while surfing the site we found a link to this other great site.)

For more visit NEXTgencode!

[HT: Genetics & Health blog]


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That's a funny find Alex.

I suppose you would get peeved if some pedant came by and pointed out that "ad" should have only one 'd'.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink