Testing ...

[Start dictation]
Believe it bore not this sentence was never typed by meet by a Secretary for a knee other human but by my trusty boys recognition system now this program is a meal fight and that's will make plenty of dictation Amherst but eventually it will learn to recognize my voice and hopefully make few were mistakes.
[Stop dictation]

OK I'm typing now ... what you read above was penned by my new "voice recognition software". Not bad, henh? I was inspired by this piece by Richard Powers (author of The Echo Maker) that appeared in yesterday's NY Times Sunday Book Review.

I proceeded to download e-speaking, a freeware voice recognition system and ... voila.

BTW here is what I actually said:

Believe it or not this sentence was never typed by me, by a secretary or any other human but by my trusty voice recognition system. Now this program is a neophyte and thus will make plenty of dictation errors but eventually it will learn to recognize my voice and hopefully make few were mistakes.

With every 15min training session, the program learns more and more about my voice. So far I've only done one session ... but it looks like it'll take many more sessions before it can do the job.


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That teaches me not to cut 'n paste what comes out of my damn incompetent voice recognition program.

Here's what I got it to do....

Believe it or not, this sentence was never typed by me, like a Secretary, or any other human. It typed by my trustee voice recognition system. Now this program is a neophyte, and this will make plenty of dictation errors. But, eventually it will learn to recognize my voice and hopefully make fewer mistakes.

You can use the "Train Word" command to add specific words to your custom dictionary. Another key to good recognition is pronunciation. You MUST speak clearly. Slurred speech will make it very difficult for the computer to fully understand the context in which you are speaking.