The Ideologue

I am the ideologue. The world is as I say. Little do you know that the universe follows the laws set down by my intellectual forefathers. It follows the rhythms of the idea that is swimming in my head. You may call me stubborn, but I am steadfast. You may call yourself "realists", but you are without principles. You are either with me, or you are my enemy, but I think that you all want to be my friend. Trust me this will all work out as it is predicted by my great idea, my ideals, by the thoughts that swim around in my head. All the great men were idealists (or at least that's what I've been told). I believe that they once defeated the wicked people. We will win, I'm sure of it. All you, my fellow disciples, join me and lets us enforce the idea, because the idea is right, the idea is strong, the idea will vanquish all.

Why does no one listen? Why are all of you deserting me? What have I done? We may have suffered a temporary loss, but it was only a test. Do you have the strength to ignore defeat and be a true disciple? Yes this is a test. No I do not wish to learn your "lessons", my ideas after all are strong. You are weak. Follow me, I promise you that I am right and everyone is wrong. Follow me into hell. My ideas have always justified my actions, they have given me all the advantages, how could they fail me now? The invisible hand will push us to victory.


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What was that, a page out of your diary?

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 12 Jan 2007 #permalink

Nuff Alex... stop impersonating Bush!!!

Bush, Bill Kristol, David Brooks, an ID supporter, or even certain scientists?

Nice post Alex.

By Acme Scientist (not verified) on 12 Jan 2007 #permalink