The latest from CBC

It's late at night, I have to read a manuscript that we're reviewing for MBC, and what am I doing? Watching Little Mosque on the Prarie. Here's part 1 of episode 1:

Get the rest on Youtube.


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I absolutely love this show and I wrote about it on my blog too. Canadian TV usually sucks, but they did a great job on this one. I hear that it has the highest ratings the CBC has had in a decade.Is it playing in the US too? I thought we were only getting it in Canada.

No sign of it come down south. I read about it in the NY Times and heard about from folks back up north (I'm from Montreal) and it's aiding my procrastination immensely ... now if only my connection to Youtube was a bit faster ...

As a Canadian, I have to object to the first comment (made by a fellow Canadian?). What about SCTV? Degrassi? Corner Gas? Kids In The Hall? The Rick Mercer Report? The Hour? Hockey Night In Canada? I swear I can't watch any other hockey broadcast. And for the scientists, the Nature Of Things (hosted by the renowned David Suzuki) is one of the most honest documents of our planet I know of. Canadian TV is (and has been) full of quality shows. But I will also admit that, like television the world over, Canadian TV also has its fair share of crap. It is at its worst when trying to emulate American TV (Canadian Idol, anyone?)

Actually, we just a satellite this year. For the last few years we have had nothing but CBC and I really didn't mind it. The worst part was watching the exact same commercials endlessly repeated, usually about other CBC shows which generally looked idiotic.

SCTV? Your age is showing, I haven't watched that since I was a kid.

I know exactly what you mean about the CBC running the same ads over and over again for their own shows. They've been doing that for Little Mosque on the Prairie as well. As for SCTV, I mostly saw it in reruns ;>)

You would never get to see something like this on US TV.
In the end nowadays whoever controls the media controls the society and its culture. It would deeply conflict with the economical interests to portray Muslims as human beings, whilst it made sense as far as the blacks go - and their economical contribution due to their large numbers.