Lectures at the Museum of Science Boston

Not only is the acclaimed Darwin exhibit comming to Boston's Museum of Science starting this Sunday, but there will be a series of lectures by local researchers to accompany the show:

Evolution as a Tool Kit for Understanding Human Disease (Lecture)
March 13, 2007 This is the first event in The House that Darwin Built series. Darwin's theory of natural selection has transformed our understanding of the living world, down to the smallest molecules.
With: Harvey Lodish, Whitehead member.

Evolution in a Test Tube (Lecture)
March 16, 2007 Join us for a look at how studying molecules like RNA can help us peer into evolution's past.
With: David M. Shechner, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research.

An Unexpected Interface: Protein Folding Driving Evolutionary Change (Lecture)
March 20, 2007
With: Susan Lindquist, Whitehead member.

The Evolution of Sex: Rethinking the Y Chromosome (Lecture)
March 27, 2007
With: David Page, Whitehead member.

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