This week's mystery campus. What could it be?
1) Husband and wife team.
2a) Husband and wife team.
2b) .ma et ef iw d na dna bs uH
Know what this means? I'll confirm any correct answers by tomorrow.
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As we correct for the earth's rotation by adding a leap day, I'll add an extra campus to this week's edition of Map That Campus. (Yes two for the price of one!)
Here's the first mystery campus:
And below the fold is the second mystery campus:
Possibilities unseen require
This week's mystery campus:
It swallowed the pill-designers
(Lately it has been swallowing many RNA researchers). Since I'm about to leave for NYC for the weekend, I'll confirm any correct answers next week.
The first Map that Campus of 2008. My apologies to the NU posse who have been patiently waiting not to see their alma mater.
And so without wasting any more words, here is this week's mystery campus:
hint: It's definitely not on Mike Huckabee's campaign tour!
Leave your answer in the comments…
Well you guys have been pretty good at guessing the mystery campus. But in addition I'd like you to tell me the answer to the riddle/hint. (Last week no one really explained what the first part of the riddle meant - even after Bil posted an additional hint in the comment section.)
So here is this…
OK, so it must be in a country that allows polygamy.
Is Willie the Wildcat married?
Since no one has taken a serious guess yet: Marie and Pierre Curie were at the University of Paris. Pierre and Marie Curie University is the principal inheritor of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris.
Oh no, William and Mary won't do.
OK this one may be a bit harder then I thought.
Here is another hint:
Double a double strand
What do you get?
One in a single shot
And another that is not
Nagoya University, where the Okazaki's discovered their famous fragments, hence the clue in (2b)!
Good job!