Map that Campus

This week we have a special edition of Map that Campus. A few weeks ago I I wrote about my new voyage on the HMS Palazzo Lab. Well the resident of this campus had some advice on this topic: In a moral point of view, the effect ought to be, to teach him good-humoured patience, freedom from selfishness, the habit of acting for himself, and of making the best of every occurrence. In short, he ought to partake of the characteristic qualities of most sailors. Travelling ought also to teach him distrust; but at the same time he will discover, how many truly kind-hearted people there are, with whom…
It's that time again. Here's this week's mystery campus: And the hint: Where cellular alchemy began. If you know the answer, or just want to take a cheap shot at Willie the Wildcat and his posse, leave it in the comment section.
Last week was way too easy. Let's see how fast this one will go. Here is this week's mystery campus: The clue is: Many "U"s into many "F"s! If this means anything to you leave your answer in the comments section. After 24hrs I'll confirm any correct answers.
Welcome one and all to another edition of Map That Campus. Since I'm restarting this feature, I though that I would try something a little different. Here is today's mystery campus: (more below the fold) Clues: To figure out the answer, you'll first need to identify a famous Canadian. Besides nationality, there are some parallels between this person and me. He was educated at this institution and then worked in this institution I did the opposite. He then left to serve as a volunteer doctor here where he developed the mobile medical unit that helped to deliver blood transfusions to…
The first one since April. Here it is: hint: Blogs are hot. So if you know the identity of the mystery campus please leave a comment. If you're at this campus, maybe I'll see you next week!
OK I've been prodded into this. Here's this week's campus: hint: Where is it? If you know what they are looking for and why they are looking here (and not ... let's say there), leave a comment.
As we correct for the earth's rotation by adding a leap day, I'll add an extra campus to this week's edition of Map That Campus. (Yes two for the price of one!) Here's the first mystery campus: And below the fold is the second mystery campus: hint: Even Possibilities unseen require Some intelligence Make undeniable observations, verify, explain Can you see how all the clues fall into place? Leave your answers in the comment section.
Time for another mystery campus: hint: Powering all life I'll confirm that what must be shown over the weekend.
The first Map that Campus of 2008. My apologies to the NU posse who have been patiently waiting not to see their alma mater. And so without wasting any more words, here is this week's mystery campus: hint: It's definitely not on Mike Huckabee's campaign tour! Leave your answer in the comments section, I'll certify any winners tomorrow.
This week's mystery campus: hint: It swallowed the pill-designers (Lately it has been swallowing many RNA researchers). Since I'm about to leave for NYC for the weekend, I'll confirm any correct answers next week.
After skipping a week, it's back. Here is today's mystery campus: Hint: The other stem cell story. This should be pretty easy, even for Northwestern alumni ...
This week's mystery campus. What could it be? hint: 1) Husband and wife team. 2a) Husband and wife team. 2b) .ma et ef iw d na dna bs uH Know what this means? I'll confirm any correct answers by tomorrow.
Yes it's time for this week's mystery campus. And I don't want to disappoint you, especially after this crushing decision, but Stephen, it's not your alma mater. So with out further delay, here it is: Since there is a big hint right on the image itself, all that I'll say is that some of the labs are located in the building at the far end of the field. ádh mór ort!
Over the past month, many have asked me to reinstate this Friday feature. So after a 6 month hiatus, I present to you this week's mystery campus: hint: One might think of an answer But is it true? Trying to disprove it Is all that's left to do. If this makes any sense to you, leave a comment. If not, take a wild guess.
A challenge! Can anyone beat Willie's posse to the correct answer? Here is this week's mystery campus: hint: He's coming over in April. Answers can be deposited in the comment section (or email me, if you prefer.)
A special one this week: Hint: Map That Campus L?
After a one month hiatus, it's back. I now present this week's mystery campus: hint: He once built a table here. Know the answer? Don't be shy, you can either leave a comment or if you don't want to ruin it for others, email me.
This one was a sent over by Jeff Lanam: Hint: Next week, let's all collect some data. Leave your answers in the comment section.
OK I give up. Actually Muftafa's comment reminded me of a recent development that I had let slip by ... and so I'll use Map that Campus as an excuse to post it and to collect your thoughts on the new project. Here it is: Click here for a larger image. Leave your answers or general thoughts on the whole endeavour in the comments section. I'll post more about the project this weekend.
This one should have been posted Monday. hint: Encyclopedia Galactica? Leave your answers in the comment section (or email me).