New Year Plans

In this coming year I plan to

1) Publish another paper.
2) Spend less time on the blog (great start, eh?)
3) Go to more meetings (I'm already registered for the January Keystone meeting on "Translational Regulatory Mechanisms", and I will try hard to go to the 2008 RNA meeting in Berlin)
4) Apply for a K99 grant (deadline is mid February)
5) Get over to Europe and visit my good pal in Paris
6) Read more scientific papers.
7) Read more books (Atonement is next - I need finish it by the next bookclub meeting on January 15th)
8) Exercise more (Charles River here I come!)
9) Xxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx (restricted viewing only)
10) Consume less (did anyone read that OpEd piece by Jared Diamond in today's NY Times? Over the holidays I had been discussing this idea with quite a few family members. With the current rate of economic development, we as a species are heading towards a cliff! Is there anything that can be done? Unfortunately I don't think that humans, especially those that don't believe in governmental oversight, will make any of the tough choices needed to avert this oncoming disaster.)


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Hey Alex!
I finally got to your blog. I found this and your year in pictures (2006 and 2007) particularly interesting. I hope you get to do all these and so many other things in 2008 but do you really want the world to know all these personal plans?
I've been advertising your blog to all my friends in the hope that you can make a little more of a revenue on this ...My new year resolution is to go visit your blog evry time I go on the net...but the scientific info is a little too much for my little brain to absorb...check in tomorrow!

Spread the news! And encourage them to leave a comment. And thanks for the update on Zia Giu's filet mignon explosion, hopefully no one was hurt.

Xxx... You know, I thought you were talking about other naughty things here.

Anything but X would've worked better really.


By Khalil A. (not verified) on 03 Jan 2008 #permalink