Iraqis on the Iraq War

We realy screwed up in so many ways. We created a mess. We lost any shred of credibility we ever had, we created terrorists, and even if we went into Iraq for the oil, we are so inept that we can't even get that job done properly. Yes we are too incompetent to even be greedy.

In the American mass media, there is all this talk about the military status of Iraq. What we forget is that having a functional society is so much more important. And nothing in Iraq is working. Not enough water, not enough electricity, not enough police. The streets are sewers. If that happened here, we would all go crazy as well. But should we be surprised that the US can't build a functional society when the current political dogma in the US is that the government should get out of the job of building society's infrastructure?

(I'm glad that our current leaders weren't around to screw up the post WWII reconstruction of Europe and Japan.)

(If you have the time, check out Bush's War which aired on Frontline)


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(I'm glad that our current leaders weren't around to screw up the post WWII reconstruction of Europe and Japan.)

Fuckin' A, bubba.

'Yes we are too incompetent to even be greedy.'
Are you kidding? The war has caused oil price to skyrocket and defense contractors are happily burning through your tax money with no-bid contracts. Bush's and Cheney's buddies are rolling in green.


I agree, they are greedy. However (quoting from the NY Times article that I linked to):

... at least one-third, and possibly much more, of the fuel from Iraq's largest refinery here is diverted to the black market, according to American military officials. Tankers are hijacked, drivers are bribed, papers are forged and meters are manipulated -- and some of the earnings go to insurgents who are still killing more than 100 Iraqis a week.

1/3 of the oil gone, much of it to the insurgents??? That's incompetence. If they were smart & greedy they would be running Iraq like the Brits ran India. But they are too brainwashed by their anti-government ideology.

Yes Flaky, those jackasses are laughing all the way to the bank. But, look on the bright side, you'll be getting a $600.00 check soon.

Yes Flaky, those jackasses are laughing all the way to the bank. But, look on the bright side, you'll be getting a $600.00 check soon.

Posted by: Joel | March 27, 2008 9:56 AM

LOL! I am willing to try to look ahead and hope a new administration will bring a new, bigger bright side!
Dave Briggs :~)

The war had two purposes, the first and overriding one was to make money for the oil and weapons-production sector (Iron Triangle). The war was an overwhelming success at making money for the Bush/Cheney mafia, and even though the oil production was not fully restored, Exxon is still posting record-breaking profits.

That was why we went to war and that goal was accomplished. Don't kid yourself about it.

And that is why the same people are clamoring to invade Iran. It's would be like Iraq, only on a bigger scale, which means more profits for them. Just think - KBR and Blackwater could easily double and possibly triple the amounts of money they made in Iraq. Iraq has chilled out for them. They need a new completely unregulated market in a state of chaos and breakdown to exploit. With Iraq they found a money-maker beyond all expectations. A weapons production facility could get used to that kind of living real quick. And they did.

The ideology is just a support for the profiteering. Don't forget these people belong to a religion where preachers propagandize to the faithful about God while taking and embezzling the money of their congregations.

It's the same trick: they whip up some patriotic mash-ups, freedom-this, democracy-that, throw in some bogus "evidence" (a la Ahmed Chalabi and willing girl-friday Judith Miller), and Americans WILLINGLY give them all the money they want, no oversight, no strings attached. Then we allow them to grant themselves immunity from prosecution, and then the DEMOCRATS, the party that some folks think is our "hope" for "change" (excuse me while I barf) declare that impeachment is off the table.

The Democrats are owned, don't kid yourself about it. The Democrats have consistently been part of the problem, not the solution. When the Military Industrial-Political Complex and AIPAC give an order the Democratic party bows on its knees and says "yes, Master."

And I have news for you - that includes Senator Obama. If he didn't he would be roommates with John Edwards right about now.