
I'll type something for you quickly as I have a couple of minutes.

This week has been a little crazy. I've been preparing my talk in Montreal and gearing up to perform a major experiment, some old school bucket biochemistry. Baymate performed a similar experiment using dog pancreas, and I need to repeat the protocol with a human cell line. I've already gone through the protocol twice and had to rethink some of the details. Right now the big experiment will start Sunday night continue through "Patriots' Day" and finish some time on Tuesday. So if you are wondering why you won't hear from me for a while, blame science.

But the results of Baymate's experiments are pretty exciting. I hope that by the end of May we'll have figured out the guts of a major cellular mechanism that no one has thought of looking at (well at least for the past 30 years).

Sorry to be so vague. I'll check back with you sometime next week.

You know, it's not as bad as they say it is. [HT: M. Frieman]

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