The lab as toy factory

Yesterday, a postdoc from a neighbouring lab came by to hand over an aliquot of antibodies to baymate. Here's what happened:

me: it looks like Santa came early this year.

friendly neighborhood postdoc: Well actually my PI would be Santa. I'm more of a reindeer.

baymate: Nah, you're an elf. Remember, it's the elves that make all the toys while Santa sits back and relaxes.

I think that baymate was on to something. The elves make all the toys, while Santa goes on a world-wide toy-promotion PR tour. But the only question I have is who are the reindeer?

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Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph?
Its the foreign post-docs.

The lab techs

By Ian Findlay (not verified) on 05 Dec 2007 #permalink

Late last night, baymate announced that FedEx was the reindeer. My only problem with this (and with some of the suggestions) is that FedEx is not an employee of our PI. Perhaps reindeer work for some third party and their services are contracted out to Santa over the holidays???

You mean peer reviewers? Most of them are bad-assed, I tell what...

the PI's ego

I'd have to say the reindeer are the funding agents. How else could Santa get off the ground to deliver all those presents (publications/talks)? Santa is not so much as in charge of the reindeer but driven by them . . .