SciLink - the LinkedIn for Scientists

I've been receiving requests from the newest networking program. I've given up fighting and just joined in.

So what's special about this new networking site? Well, in contrast to LinkedIn there are special features that are more applicable to academics in general. For example you can add papers and awards to your profile. And unlike Facebook's SciBook, SciLink is a true science networking tool. It also comes with a cool scientific genealogy application. (Evil Gomez - someone has finally implemented your idea!) There are some patches that the developers need to iron out, but overall it looks like the best science networking site that I know of. Go sign up now (and feel free to invite me to your network, but let me know if you really know me or just know my blog.)


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Thanks so much for the Kudos! We're working very hard to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the crowd and are very glad you like our platform. Expect many bug fixes and enhancements over the summer months. Also, please send us feedback so we can keep innovating and making the site better and more usable for people like yourself.

Sincerest Regards,

Brian Gilman
Founder & CEO
SciLink Inc.

You may be interested in this: - The universal online portal for science, advanced teaching and academic research. is a virtual conference room, lecture hall, laboratory, library, and meeting venue all in one. It offers new methods of scientific presentation, scientific discourse and academic knowledge transfer by using video streaming, audio streaming and text features.

The internet will undoubtedly be the primary medium for transferring scientific knowledge in the future. Up until now there have been substantial shortcomings in the creation and transfer of knowledge. These result from a significant separation of the different fields of science, a fundamental split between science and practice as well as substantial differences between countries in terms of their attitude toward science and the teaching of science. will attack and remove these barriers. Scientific theory and practice will be combined on a national, international and interdisciplinary level. will enable scientists, lecturers, academics, students and practitioners from all fields to present and share ideas and findings through video streaming, audio streaming and text documents. They can make use of classical community functions like chat, email, blog etc., they can install virtual rooms, assess contributions, make interesting contacts and much more besides. offers the following primary features:
- Publishing and managing of video and audio clips (e.g. lectures, interviews, documentaries)
- Publishing and managing of text documents (e.g. scientific papers, lecture notes, study documents)
- Commenting, assessing of contributions and embedding of all media
- Creation of playlists and lists of favorites
- Community and networking functions: creating of personal or institutional profiles (e.g. for individuals, universities, institutes, publishers), messaging, contacting, commenting
- Creating of groups (e.g. for virtual classroom, venue, special topics)