Another device in a car to kill you

i-75fa6f7cebb4145668724f37f5a52b36-steve_icon_medium.jpgIn the never ending quest for death gadgets Mercedes has come up with a specialized screen that will show the driver one thing and the passenger another. Just think, now in addition to a driver watching a movie while they are going 70 mph they will be leaning all the way over into the passenger seat to see it. Unfortunately Mercedes hasn't created a system to keep stupid drivers from doing stupid things... like driving off a cliff while following the GPS directions on the screen they're allowed to see. Ok.. I jest - this seems like a pretty damn cool system and I totally want one. I'm just jealous of the rich folk - stupid grad school :(


Well anyway here's the all exciting details straight from Mercedes:

Mercedes has announced today that starting in the summer of 2009, S-Class models will feature a new technology they're calling SPLITVIEW. Developed in collaboration with Bosch, SPLITVIEW will allow both the driver and passenger to view two separate programs via the same COMAND display. For example, let's say the vehicle's operator is in the process of viewing navigation directions, the front passenger can simultaneously watch a film on the exact same 8-inch display.

You may be wondering what magic lies behind the SPLITVIEW system, and the answer lies in pixel placement. The COMAND screen shows two different images simultaneously by placing pixels adjacent to one another, after which a filter masking the display divides this mixed image so that depending on seating position, either one image or the other can be seen. As with current S-Class models, the driver has access to the full suite of COMAND functions, while the passenger uses a separate remote control to choose either a DVD, TV channel or music video to watch (all of which can be used in conjunction with headphones, should the passenger desire).

As already noted, the SPLITVIEW system will make its debut next summer, found on the S-Class sedan lineup.

-Via Engadget-

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Oh, it'll suck during the day because of the glare. It won't work right, cost thousands to fix and insure plus thieves would always be breaking in.

Better to be a happy grad student.

What ever happened to having a conversation in the car?! I can sort of understand having a tv/dvd player in the backseat to shut up rowdy kids and also because it can be really hard to talk to people in the backseat when you're going fast (no one can hear each other over the car/ambient noise), but the front seat passenger? Come on. The front seat passenger should be talking to the driver, doing work (like reading), or sleeping, period. S/he should not be watching a stupid dvd. Conversing in the car, unless it's an argument, is not a safety hazard, because the passenger can adapt to what is happening on the road as it happens. For me, having a conversation actually makes things more safe because I don't get sleepy. I just think we live in a sad world if/when the passenger puts on headphones and watches tv by him/herself. Am I the only old fashioned person who thinks that driving is an opportunity to spend some time together?

By Katherine (not verified) on 11 Dec 2008 #permalink

Unfortunately Mercedes hasn't created a system to keep stupid drivers from doing stupid things

A six-inch spike in the center of the steering wheel would be an ideal solution.

In my opinion the largest threat for California are cataclysms and ecological catastrophes. Not important is how many money we have because one tragedy can us take all.

This is so dangerous, I can't imagine that I can concentrate on driving durig watching SPLITVIEW. In my country you can't smoking, drinking and eating becouse you can get ticet. I am a psychologist who give permission to drive vehicules, and I think that should be also institiution which give licence for gadets in cars. It's for our safeness.

#5This is so dangerous, I can't imagine that I can concentrate on driving durig watching SPLITVIEW. In my country you can't smoking, drinking and eating becouse you can get ticet. I am a psychologist who give permission to drive vehicules, and I think that should be also institiution which give licence for gadets in cars. It's for our safeness

About driving off a cliff following their GPS...

A few years ago a Swedish couple drove off a loading ramp for a ferry going from Denmark to Sweden because their GPS told them to drive on. Unfortunately, the ferry wasn't in dock at the time... So, it can and has happened!

By Michael Bo (not verified) on 04 Mar 2009 #permalink

Why are people so obsessed with creating more ways to danger? Alright then, I'll get in the car and watch something while in the front seat while talking to the driver and attempting to deal with rowdy siblings.

That's multi-tasking for you! Oh! Maybe we should also include trying to stay alive in that list. That sounds pretty important to me. Just as long as it doesn't interfere with my movie.

Way to go Mercedes. Way to go.