A Big Day/Red Panda Week

My undergrad degree will be officially complete this afternoon. I walk with honors and a BS in biology and writing. It's a big day for me and my family, despite my general distaste for pomp and circumstance (literally in this case); I tentatively returned to college after getting fed up with the hospitality industry (and Annapolis, MD), worked full time and took as many credits as I could. It has taken me a bit longer than the traditional student, but I'm in no hurry at 28. If I was, perhaps this blog may never have been started. Perhaps a lot of things wouldn't be as sweet as they are today.

Needless to say, I'll be taking a little vacation over the next week or so, in a place where I can't tap the lifeblood of the 'sphere. But I will have posts up all next week in a special series.

Next week I'll be celebrating not only my graduation, but the mystery and wonder of my favorite critter, Ailurus fulgens, the red panda with a series of reposts from last year detailing their evolutionary history, ecology, conservation efforts to save them and even some art.

Stay tuned. Next week, May 28th through June 3rd will be Red Panda Week!


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Hooray! As you could probably tell from the banner on my blog, I'm a big fan of red pandas myself. If you want any pictures of them for posts or anything else, let me know; I have tons of them.


Please send me your best photos and I'll post 'em here next week. That would be a great compliment to the series.

Look for them around Wednesday or Thursday; I'll be returning from my internet free zone on Tuesday to check e-mail. Thanks for the offer.

thevoltagegate [at] gmail.com


I was having trouble choosing between bio and physics, so now it looks like I'm going to do a double major (and of course my previous two years in college-- back in the 90s-- I was pursuing anthropology).

YAY! Congratulations! Glad you're done. Enjoy your time off!