Another Move

Before I get started, I want to assure those 10 people that still check TVG for updates that this is still a blog, and I do intend to pick up where I left off months ago.

I got a phone call about four weeks ago from a family friend offering me a position as a tech writer in Atlanta. I interviewed and accepted the offer, and I'm moving - again - in the next week.

I apologize for the lack of material. It's been a tough few months for me. My friends at Seed have been very patient with me fortunately, and I hope to get this blog up and running again before long. There's much to talk about.

For those curious, I can nutshell a bit: I was living in a house not too far modified from its 19th century state during the harshest winter in years in Western PA working for a small community newspaper about an hour away. Insert car accidents and heat problems and let the hilarity ensue.

I WILL BE BACK. Atlanta calls.


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TVG is one of my must reads, and so I hope Seed will take note, but I do it on a feed so maybe it doesn't show up. And I'm perfectly miserable at commenting but will try to do better.

From the point of view of someone outside Atlanta who has paid attention to the Two Georgias water crisis, well, sorry about Atlanta and its cancerous growth. Need a good tumor repressor gene there, but glad you're present to take note!

when will I see you again?
Have fun in the ATL.
I hope you find Outkast and/or Ludacris and make friends.
Enjoy the peaches.
