30 Issues in 30 Days

As a resident of NYC, I spend a lot of time listening to WNYC, which is one of the finest talk radio stations in the country and is also one of the several National Public Radio affiliates in NYC. To help prepare voters for the upcoming election, the morning host, Brian Lehrer, is collaborating with the Huffington Post (where I volunteer) and Instapundit to feature his upcoming presidential election series "30 Issues In 30 Days." With your help, it will be the best, most in-depth election coverage offered. The issues have been nominated, but now, listeners have a few days to vote on which issues are most important to you. There are several science, medicine and technology issues in the list, so I hope you go there to vote for them. I plan to embed all sound files here as they become available for you to listen to, along with my notes and comments.

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At the bottom of the list it says:

Voting is closed

By terrylong (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

oh BUMMER! well, i will be embedding the sound files for you all to listen to anyway, and including my comments and thoughts about what was discussed.