WNYC Seeks Your Help With Their Upcoming Health Care Program

As you know, I wrote an essay on this blog about the lack of health insurance for 47 million Americans, most of whom work full-time. You might also remember that I have been writing about WNYC's wonderful series, "30 Issues in 30 Days" -- a series of informational programs where they invite either special guests or the presidential candidates' policy advisors onto the show, and have them respond to our questions and challenges. WNYC has developed a Wiki site where you can help the host, Brain Lehrer, frame and present some of these issues to his guests on our behalf. One of those wikis focuses on health care and health insurance -- this was the number one issue according to their poll results. They are seeking your help with this program, so be sure check it out and contribute your thoughts and comments. [NOTE: all these programs are available as live streaming broadcasts and also as downloadable podcasts, so you will be able to hear them yourself. Further, WNYC has a toll-free 800 number that you can call to ask your questions in real time.]

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