10 more candidates for Congress answer scientists questions

i-c8fb720d661e0df8e3c7f077c341c2de-congress.jpgMost of you have by now heard of the 14 questions that a coalition of science organizations asked McCain and Obama. But I thought I would highlight the parallel efforts to ask a series of 7 questions of all candidates for congress. That project has been going strong for some months now and the answers are posted at Scientists and Engineers for America's SHARP Network. Today they tell me that 10 more members of congress and candidates have answered the 7 questions. If you have not heard of the project before, check it out here and if your candidate has not yet answered, tell them that Barack Obama and John McCain have already answered 14 questions, so they should be able to answer 7. Here are the latest:

Don Karg (R AZ 4)

Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R KS 4)

Eric Schansberg (L IN 9)

Rep. Shelley Berkley (D NV 1)

William Haas (D MO 2)

Timmy Richardson (R IL 12)

Clifford Stearns (R FL 6)

Joseph Sweeney (R AZ 7)

James McDermott (D WA 7)

Rep Mark Udall (D CO - Senate)


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