Computer update---w00t!

HP feels really, really bad, and they are sending me a brand new tablet pc, apparently a newer, shinier, happier one. Yea!!

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Why am I reminded of the conclusion to Larry Niven's The Patchwork Girl?

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 25 Feb 2009 #permalink

Cool! So, does this mean the PalCast will resume?!

awesome! it will be even better news once you have actually received said tablet PC.

Wow, nice.

I'll let my friend know. He is a computer I.T contractor and HP just bought his contract from his original company. They immediately docked the contractor's pay 5%. I'll let him know they are putting it to good use.

hmm... true story, but its supposed to be a light hearted jest. Its so hard to get across emotion in writing.

Grats on the new HP!!!