BMI TMI update #4

So, not so bad so far today, after an imperfect weekend. The weekend was full of swimming and biking, but also food. I didn't eat too many things that were "empty" of nutrients, but I consumed more mass than I'd hoped too.

Today, I'm not doing too badly.

2 eggs scrambled with a cup of spinach and a couple of pinches of Romano cheese
1/2 cup shredded wheat with 1/4 cup milk

A little over 300 calories

A "cobb" salad from the hospital: fresh greens, some shredded cheese, boiled chicken breast, tomatoes, bacon bits and a tablespoon of fat free italian.

Best guess, about 380-420 calories

Dinner: Bad Doctor, Bad

A "vivanno" banana-strawberry smoothie

280 calories

So, not too bad so far. Nutritive content would have been better without the smoothie. I plan to consume a healthy "second dinner" when I get home around 9:30 or so. This will likely be a chickpea/spinach curry I made yesterday. I'm guessing that the serving I have left is about 300 calories, but it's only a guess.


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And why are we using "best guess" when in about 2 minutes, all relevant information can be calculated with this program called MasterCook Deluxe 9. Dosages of other substances generally do not get best guess.

The best thing about using a computer program, with nutrition analysis, is you can cut down in one place, to be able to legitimately "cheat" a little. Makes one feel a whole lot better while remaining "in protocol". No need to create stories, or excuses for the day. Calculate totals by the week, and still get the same result. Everybody knows weight loss is by the week. ;))

By RMM Barrie (not verified) on 11 Aug 2009 #permalink

What?! 280 calories?! But the Starbucks people told me the Vivanno was a healthy choice. Think I'm just going to back away from this post and continue to enjoy my chocolate-banana in ignorance.

People forget that fruit smoothies are not free. For me, I made a conscious choice based on preference...they fill me up reasonably well and durably, and they taste good. But they aren't a perfect sub for real food, and they are not "low-cal".

And for the folks upset about kcal vs cal, in the US, as a layperson convention we use "calorie" when talking about food. Bad habit, but we also use gallons, so go figure.

I find it much easier to stick a diet if I plan to include some healthy snacks throughout the day. Also, 1,000 - 1,300 calories doesn't seem like very much. I thought men were supposed to have more because they tend to be larger. I'm not the expert though; I guess you know more about it than I do.

Well, of course the smoothie has 280 calories! A banana has something like 110 and is packed with all sorts of yummy things like potassium. And then there's the milk, and whatever calories are in whey protein. If you're going to be bothered by the number of calories in it though, you could just eat the banana.

I'm not bothered at all. It satisfied me for a long period of time. Still, I'd rather eat a meal when i have a chance.