The World's Fair: Our Social/Cultural Pervasiveness Index: Part I - analysis of traffic stats

So, next week will be the World's Fair's half year mark, so it's basically time to access how we're doing. First up, is to check our traffic stats, which are nicely graphed out as follows:


Hmmm... Interesting...

Note that if you consider that we technically started around the first week of June, what you'll see is that we are a website who has cleverly managed to have a consistently downward trend.

This is in stark contrast to pretty much every other blog on the Scienceblogs site (*, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *).

Clearly, something is afoot here because by all accounts, knowledgable individuals in the web world emphatically state that the more content you have on your site, the greater your visits. So what could be going on?

The answer is simple: apparently The World's Fair is a cultural barometer of efficiency and societal consequence as affected by rising CO2 levels. Moreover, there's actually two rationales that support this: first, the overall increase of CO2 levels as seen in the CO2 hockey stick graph; and 2, the fact that CO2 have steadily increased as our particular locales have gotten colder (therefore heating goes up, etc) over the last few months.

Anyway, this is yet another call to ablate rising CO2 levels, because at our current rate of emissions, the World's Fair will be projected to have no readers by January 2007. And that, my friends, is yet another Inconvenient Truth.


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Heed his call. The guy's right folks. It's cold here.

You forget the implications of the long tail. You will probably have at least three readers sometime during 2007.

By Joe in LA (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink

(Or you go and blow the whole thing, Dave, with one 5000-hit link. We'll never keep this trend going now.)