This just in.
Looks like the supply and management staff for the Genomics and Proteomics teams are causing some headaches for the venue organizers. "Basically, too much hardware," as one onlooker commented. And too much indeed. It appears that with all of the high throughput robotics hardware being wheeled in, the equipment has actually spilled over into a neighbouring court - specifically, the one that was to host the "Photosynthesis" vs "Respiration" game.
"I can't believe the amount of crap they hauled in. How many $%&*# mass-specs do you need to play basketball?" said a representative from Team Respiration.
More on this interesting OCTOPUS region development later...
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Who cares about the machines? Data is all I need and I want it!
There is too much data to analysis it,so,we should't consistently hunt for data .data not means anything!