This I know to be true...

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Another one for "The Truth"

There are currently no possible methods for the re-conversion of thermal energy back into any other forms of energy. Thus the universe is heading towards eventual heat-death where there is no matter and no other energy but that which is thermal!

By Alexander Boli… (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

Reality can neither be explained nor described it can merely be titled. A string of something's titles' does not qualify as explanation not description. My computer's monitor is not a monitor. Monitor is a title given to describe an observation so you and I may both understand to what I am referring. A monitor in not a monitor, it is what it is and words cannot encapsulate that.

By Irrelevant (not verified) on 20 Sep 2007 #permalink

Gin is better than whiskey. Most of the time.

By Gary Sharpe (not verified) on 01 Oct 2007 #permalink

for "The Truth"
Beer is better than whiskey or gin.

By Francesca Davis (not verified) on 01 Oct 2007 #permalink

SUV's are decidedly not stupid in Colorado, Wyoming or vast stretches of Utah. Oh, and for above, Beer IS better than Gin or Whiskey, for a given range of beer.

By Mark Reardon (not verified) on 25 Oct 2007 #permalink

What is disorder anyway? I don't think real disorder exists. I think disorder is just a different kind of order that we don't understand (yet). Like when we look at constellations, we see a pattern. But looking from a different point in space, they fall out of that pattern. Maybe we see disorder because we're not looking in the right direction.

Men and Women are not equal. Men are not equal to other men. Similarly for women. But, everyone has there own strengths and weaknesses. When we contribute our strengths (and not our weaknesses), balance and the best outcome is achieved.

Why the "politically correct" crowd (in North America) can't see this is beyond me.

Global Warming is real but it is also not entirely caused by us. It is an inevitable occurrence as part of a cycle but DEFINITELY has been very much sped up by human existence and error.

OOOOOH, oooh. Howabout simply "the war on drugs". Let's just say, I mean, c'mon, perhaps that the UN Millenium Goals could be achieved with the world drug war budget maybe ten times over? ;)

People who claim Global Warming science is "settled" are to science as squids are to an airplane.

This is truth.

Deal with it.

By peter grynch (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

Flossing helps you keep your teeth.

By Anita de Waard (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink

we need to start shooting our garbage into space I figure why not into the blackhole.

By Michael Ganje (not verified) on 16 May 2008 #permalink

1) There is no magic, only hard work. (Ask a magician!)

2) Vodka is better than gin, whiskey and beer. Fewer toxins. Less hangover.

3) SUVs are not stupid. People driving them when they don't need to is stupid.

Murphy's Law supersedes all other natural laws.

You should have a graph on each answer to show what percent believes in what cause you will never have everybody one way or the other + maybe about three things or so that tells you something about the person voting. Maybe like time of the vote, whether he or she is optomistic or pessimistic and whether like the author he or she is on drugs and is a loner and to much time on their hands..... :)

PS: Murphy's Law happens always till you want to prove it!

A suggestion from a practising environmental scientist. Since you claim to be stating truths you should really get it right:

"Global Warming is real, and (by the way) it's all our fault" is not strictly true.

Strictly speaking we are not seeing global warming in most locations but rather a change in climate which, based on the preponderance of evidence, is due, in whole or in part, to human influence. As such, were I asked to re-state number 3 in a manner that would be considered defensible by a vast majority of the practising scientists in your audience I would go with:

"Anthropogenic climate change is real"

The benefit of rephrasing is a shorter, more easily defensible (and frankly more elegant) statement.


Whisky only has an "e" if it is Irish.
It is better to be honest about Global Warming. No-one truly knows the exact answer but it is overwhelmingly probable that it is due to the combination of natural and man-made factors of which the natural factors are more powerful.
We cannot do anything about Sun-spot cycles etc. We can do something about man-made factors. So we should tackle those as much as we can.
Blair is right until he asks you to say something that few laymen will understand.
How about "mankind is clearly affecting the climate"
PS Bourbon is not Whisky or Whiskey any more than fizzy Californian wine is Champagne.

History has proven the economists ALL wrong.

men and women are different, both physically and mentally.

There is ample evidence.

they don't relate by my standard definition of equal.

please, Men and Women should be treated as equals.

Good Beer is better than Whiskey or Gin, most of the Time!

By Sean Gillan (not verified) on 03 May 2009 #permalink

If Ella Fitzgerald it must be true that Gerald fits Ella.

By Gordon Thurman (not verified) on 10 Oct 2009 #permalink

Cats are better than dogs. This is absolutely 100% true.

By Gordon Thurman (not verified) on 10 Oct 2009 #permalink

Dinosaur bones make excellent doorstops.

[The first fossil hadrosaur remains turned up in South Hadley, Mass. propping open someone's door -- a vertebra, as I recall.]

Most of your original list of statements have spin on them. Many are examples of how NOT to get to what we call truth. What we call truth is never 100 percent certain, but a well-defined statement, unlike most of these, can be true in as far as it's possible for anything to be true - - and frankly, that's saying a lot.

By David Martin (not verified) on 18 Jan 2010 #permalink

I hate SUV's, but sometimes they are not stupid and a little bit useful (I work in outdoor tourism).

Hummers, however, are very stupid.

3. Global Warming is real, and itâs all our fault; however, its consequences will be mostly good rather than bad, therefore making it something not worth worrying about.

By the innovator (not verified) on 25 Dec 2010 #permalink

Oooh! Oooh! "That is not dead, which can eternal lie, And with strange eons even death may die." Al-Hazred wrote it. I beleive it. And that's good enough for me.